If you have known me for a while, you know that I love to surf Pinterest for outfit inspiration. I like to scroll until something catches my eye that I can recreate with what's already in my closet. Most times I'll even try to put a modest twist on the look if it doesn't suit my style.
Today, the Pinterest outfit I found was so great, I didn't think I would need to change anything about it. 'I'm going to wear this exactly how she's wearing it!', I thought. Which is totally OK, because in my book, imitation is the highest form of flattery!
But do you know what happened when I copied her look exactly???
I didn't like it on me! The key words here...'on ME'.
All of the pieces to this look passed my Modest and Modern style criteria, but my body is different than hers! It didn't look the same on me as it did the person in the photo. And instead of being frustrated and annoyed or letting it mess with my confidence, I used her outfit as a starting point and then switched it up to make it my own!
My point is, I feel like it's acceptable to imitate and be inspired by others, but keeping in mind that you are not them. To see someone and think, 'They look great! I wonder if I can pull that off?!?' is completely acceptable and normal, I think, but if you fail to look EXACTLY like them, and it bothers you...that's not how it should be!
God created us differently and I want us all to embrace that. Instead of being upset that 'I don't look like her.'; I want you to shift your mind to 'How can I make her look work best for me?!' It's simply Confidence over Comparison!!!
This will hopefully change your mindset about your body and style, to being joyful about how you were carefully and thoughtfully knit together, instead of wanting to look like someone else.
So let others beauty and style simply be a jumping off point to a look that is all your own...because you love and except the temple He made for you.
'For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.'
Psalms 139:13-14
Pinterest Inspiration Outfit
Started with this look....and here's how it ended up!